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Cobrowsing vs Screen Share: Which Is the Best Choice for Your Business?

Are you trying to decide between cobrowsing and screen sharing for your business? Both tools provide helpful ways for you to communicate with your customers, but there are some important differences that you should consider before choosing the best one for your needs.

What Is Cobrowsing?

Cobrowsing (also known as co-browsing) is a technology that allows two people to view and interact with the same web page in real-time. It enables users to see the same information, navigate the same page, and even chat with one another. This makes it easy to guide a customer through a process, like filling out a form or completing a purchase.

What Is Screen Sharing?

Screen sharing (also known as desktop sharing) is a technology that allows two people to view and interact with the same computer screen in real-time. This makes it easy to provide technical support or collaborate on projects. It also allows users to ask questions and get quick answers.

Which Is Better for Your Business?

Cobrowsing and screen sharing both have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it can be difficult to decide which is the best choice for your business. Here are some of the things to consider:

  • Ease of Use: Cobrowsing is typically easier to use than screen sharing, since it does not require any software installation or configuration. This makes it ideal for businesses that need to quickly guide customers through a process.
  • Security: Cobrowsing is generally considered more secure than screen sharing, since it does not require any software installation or access to a user's computer. This makes it a better option for businesses that need to protect sensitive customer information.
  • Functionality: Screen sharing offers more functionality than cobrowsing, since it allows users to access and interact with a user's computer. This makes it a better choice for businesses that need to provide technical support or collaborate on projects.


Cobrowsing and screen sharing both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The best choice for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements. To learn more about cobrowsing, check out, a leading provider of cobrowsing solutions.

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