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Everything You Need to Know About GDPR Compliance and Cobrowsing

In today's digital world, organizations must be vigilant about their data privacy and security measures. Companies must adhere to strict regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to ensure they are protecting the personal data of their customers. This includes understanding and ensuring GDPR compliance for cobrowsing, a type of customer service technology. In this article, we will discuss what cobrowsing is, how it works, and why it is GDPR compliant.

What is Cobrowsing?

Cobrowsing is a customer service technology that allows agents and customers to view and interact with the same browser window. This type of technology can be used for a variety of purposes, such as troubleshooting, training, and support. It enables agents to take control of the customer's browser window and view the screen in real-time. This allows agents to quickly and easily resolve customer inquiries.

How Does Cobrowsing Work?

Cobrowsing works by allowing a customer service agent to view and interact with the customer's web browser window in real-time. The agent can view the screen, navigate to different pages, and even take control of the customer's mouse and keyboard. This allows agents to quickly and easily troubleshoot any customer issue.

Why is Cobrowsing GDPR Compliant?

Cobrowsing is GDPR compliant because it is secure and does not store any personal data. Cobrowsing sessions are encrypted and securely transmitted, and no data is stored after a session has ended. Furthermore, cobrowsing solutions, such as HelloMedian's Cobrowse, allow customers to opt-out of cobrowsing sessions at any time. This ensures that customers have full control over their personal data.


In conclusion, cobrowsing is a secure and GDPR compliant customer service technology that allows agents and customers to view and interact with the same browser window in real-time. Cobrowsing solutions, such as HelloMedian’s Cobrowse, are secure, encrypted, and do not store any personal data. Furthermore, customers can opt-out of cobrowsing sessions at any time. For more information about HelloMedian’s Cobrowse, please visit

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