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How to Easily Integrate Co-Browsing into Your Business

In today’s digital world, providing customers with a seamless online experience is essential to the success of any business. One way to ensure that customers have a positive experience is to integrate co-browsing into your business. Co-browsing allows agents to view and interact with the customer’s browser in real-time. This allows for an easier and faster resolution to customer queries, leading to more efficient customer service and increased customer satisfaction. In this blog, we will discuss how to easily integrate co-browsing into your business.

What is Co-Browsing?

Co-browsing, also known as collaborative web browsing, is a technology that enables agents to connect with a customer’s web browser in real-time. This allows agents to view and interact with the customer’s browser as if they were sitting in front of it. It eliminates the need for lengthy screen sharing sessions, as agents can quickly and easily view and interact with the customer’s browser. Co-browsing also allows agents to guide customers through complex processes, such as online banking or account set up.

Benefits of Co-Browsing

Co-browsing provides a number of benefits for businesses. By integrating co-browsing into their customer service strategies, businesses can provide a more personalized customer experience. Co-browsing allows agents to see what customers are seeing, and to interact with their browser in real-time. This helps agents to better understand customer issues and to provide more efficient resolutions. Co-browsing also reduces the need for lengthy screen sharing sessions, as agents can quickly and easily view and interact with the customer’s browser.

How to Integrate Co-Browsing

Integrating co-browsing into your business is simple and straightforward. The first step is to choose a co-browsing solution that meets your business needs. There are a number of co-browsing solutions available, ranging from basic to advanced. HelloMedian is a leading co-browsing solution that offers a comprehensive suite of features, including support for multiple browsers, secure sessions, remote control, and more.

Once you have chosen a co-browsing solution, the next step is to integrate it into your existing customer service systems. This will involve creating a link between the co-browsing solution and your customer service systems, such as your CRM or ticketing system. This will allow agents to easily access the co-browsing solution from within the customer service system.

Finally, you will need to train your agents on how to use the co-browsing solution. This will ensure that agents are familiar with the features and can use it to provide a seamless customer experience. HelloMedian provides comprehensive training and support resources to help agents learn how to effectively use the co-browsing solution.


Integrating co-browsing into your business is a great way to provide customers with a seamless online experience. By providing agents with the ability to view and interact with the customer’s browser in real-time, businesses can provide more efficient customer service and increased customer satisfaction. HelloMedian is a leading co-browsing solution that provides all the features and support needed to easily integrate co-browsing into your business. For more information, visit

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