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What You Need to Know About Cobrowsing and CCPA Compliance

Cobrowsing (or Co-browsing) is a powerful tool that enables real-time, two-way collaboration between two or more parties. This technology has been widely adopted by customer service teams to quickly provide hands-on help to customers. But with the introduction of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in 2020, it’s important to ensure that your cobrowsing solution is compliant with the law.

What is the CCPA?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a comprehensive data privacy law that was passed in 2018 and went into effect on January 1, 2020. It is the first US state law to provide strong privacy protections to Californian consumers, and it applies to all businesses collecting and processing the personal data of Californian residents.The CCPA provides Californians with the right to know what data a business is collecting about them, the right to delete their data upon request, and the right to opt-out of the sale of their data. Businesses must also provide notice to consumers about the categories of personal data they collect, how they use it, and with whom they share it.

Does Cobrowsing Comply with the CCPA?

Cobrowsing solutions, including HelloMedian, are designed to be compliant with the CCPA. When a cobrowsing session is initiated, customers are provided with all the necessary information about the data collected and how it will be used. Customers must then provide their consent before the session can begin.In addition, cobrowsing solutions must ensure that only the data necessary for the session is collected. This means that all other data is automatically anonymized or deleted, depending on the customer’s preferences.

What Other Compliance Measures Should Cobrowsing Solutions Have?

Cobrowsing solutions must also adhere to other privacy and security measures. This includes encrypting data, providing secure logins, and ensuring that no unauthorized access is possible. The solution should also be able to provide customers with the assurance that their data is secure and that their privacy is respected.


Cobrowsing solutions are a great way to provide customers with real-time, hands-on help. However, it’s important to ensure that the cobrowsing solution you use is compliant with the CCPA. This means that customer data must be collected and used responsibly, and that customers must be provided with the necessary information about how their data is used. In addition, cobrowsing solutions must also adhere to other security and privacy measures to ensure that customers’ data is secure and their privacy is respected.

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