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3 ways to install Intercom

3 Ways to Install Intercom


Welcome to our blog post where we will discuss three different ways to install Intercom, a popular customer messaging platform, on your website. Intercom provides various features that help businesses improve customer engagement and drive growth. By integrating Intercom into your website, you can easily connect with your customers, provide real-time support, and gather valuable insights. Let's dive into the three installation methods!

1. JavaScript Widget

The first and most common method to install Intercom is by using their JavaScript widget. To get started, you need to sign up for an Intercom account and obtain your unique widget code. Once you have the code, simply paste it within the <body> tags on all pages of your website. This will display the Intercom messenger in the bottom right corner, allowing visitors to start conversations with your team. The JavaScript widget is compatible with most website builders and frameworks.

2. API Integration

If you have more advanced customization requirements, you can opt for the API integration method. Intercom provides a comprehensive API that allows you to build custom user interfaces and workflows. With this approach, you can control the design, behavior, and positioning of the Intercom messenger to match your website's branding and user experience. API integration requires technical expertise, as you need to make API calls to interact with Intercom's endpoints. However, it provides complete flexibility for tailored implementations.

3. WordPress Plugin

If you're using WordPress to power your website, Intercom offers a dedicated plugin that simplifies the installation process. Start by navigating to your WordPress admin dashboard and searching for the Intercom plugin. Install and activate the plugin, then enter your Intercom app ID and secret key. Once configured, the Intercom messenger will appear on your website, enabling seamless communication with your visitors. The WordPress plugin is an excellent option for WordPress users who prefer a hassle-free installation process.


In this blog post, we explored three different methods to install Intercom on your website. Whether you choose the JavaScript widget, API integration, or WordPress plugin, Intercom provides powerful features to engage with your customers effectively. Remember, installing Intercom is just the beginning! To fully leverage its capabilities, it's essential to strategize and personalize your customer interactions. By utilizing Intercom, you can provide exceptional support, capture valuable insights, and foster meaningful relationships with your audience.

Happy installing!

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Hey, Spencer here 👋🏼
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